The Cosmo Automobiles story goes all the way back to the year 2008, at the height of the global financial crisis where all seems to be gloom and doom. Two motorheads driven by their sheer passion for cars decided to do something unthinkable then…
The Cosmo Automobiles story goes all the way back to the year 2008, at the height of the global financial crisis where all seems to be gloom and doom. Two motorheads driven by their sheer passion for cars decided to do something unthinkable then…
From the onset, the founders were determined not to rely on the hard-sell tactics which the trade is known for. Instead, they focused on the underlying needs of customers. With their knowledge of cars, they educated customers on the intricacies of car purchase. And more importantly, they gave stellar after-sales support; for example, calling the customers a week after the sale is completed.
This provided car buyers with a complete peace of mind. And this unique sales approach attracted other like-minded sales people—knowledgeable petrol heads who are passionate about putting the customer first above all else. Today, Cosmo Automobiles has become the preferred brand in the used car industry with its customer-first brand strategy.